
Southern France, Oh la la

There are summers when you just don’t feel like sightseeing…and you long for something that starts with the “N”…Nature, North, Near… rather than beaches, cathedrals, markets, far-away journeys, and so on.


So was the case with me last summer.

My trip-mate suggested Italy, Firenze, art, beautiful buildings… yet I chose something else.

Sometimes, iit’s just necessary to see green places, small places, cozy places, unspoilt places, nearby places, … far away from people, cars, polluted air, noise, you name it.

Souther France will give you everything. You just need a car and a mate.

Zaragoza – Oloron Sainte-Marie 220 km, 3 hours ride. You, the road, and the Pyrenees.

+ Chocolate Factory! Lindt 😉

+ jazz festival in summer.

+ Biarritz, nearby…

+ nice little villages: Navarrentx, Sauveterre de Bearn, Salies de Bearn!!!

…all of which deserve a visit, however short!